Friday, 14 July 2017

Beautiful Strangers: Chapters Five and Six


Giving herself up to the sheer pleasure of successfully gaining Beth’s attention, Hyacinth’s smile was genuine for the first time that day.
For a millisecond Beth imagined Hyacinth was encouraging her gaze, not turning away as she looked directly back at her. She still knew very little about George’s wife except what Val had told her. She had a crazy thought, while their eyes locked, that this woman was enjoying holding the eye contact. The look between them was intense. She felt as though she was being put into a trance. It must have been that second glass of champagne. She knew she’d drunk it too quickly, giving her silly thoughts and hiccups. After what seemed an eternity, she forced herself to tear her eyes away, successfully breaking the contact. She felt disturbed, as if Hyacinth had peered deep into her soul. Val’s words rang in her ears. Be careful of Hyacinth.
Delighted with the effect she was having on her quarry, H moved towards Beth, gliding effortlessly through the melee of guests and easily re-establishing eye contact. Although Beth tried hard to resist, Hyacinth would not allow it. She stood so close their body heat merged as their arms touched.
‘I’m Hyacinth Dickinson. And you are?’ She extended her hand to Beth.
‘Beth. Beth McConnell. I work with George.’ Beth accepted Hyacinth’s outstretched hand. Immediately electricity charged between them. Beth fought to stop it and tried to release her hand, but Hyacinth would not let go.
‘I finally meet you. You’ve no idea how long I’ve been waiting. I’ve been telling George to invite you to dinner for weeks. Typical man, he never got around to it. What do you think of the food Beth? I think Davinia has excelled herself for me.’
‘It looks very appetizing.’ The last thing Beth expected was a conversation about food. Telling herself not to be so stupid she struggled to keep up the small talk. The power surge that Hyacinth generated was overwhelming her, making her feel sick. Yet she was flattered by the attention, and in a weird way found it exhilarating.
‘You must try the carrot cake. It’s one of Davinia’s specialities. But no, perhaps not,’ Hyacinth gazed intently into Beth’s eyes reading her mind, ‘I think the chocolate tart will be more to your taste, darling.’
‘How did you guess?’ She’s just called me darling. Who does she think she is?
‘Trust me Miss McConnell. I know everything.’ Still holding Beth’s hand Hyacinth moved to stand beside her, and slipped her arm possessively around Beth’s waist. ‘Now, darling. You must call me H. A privilege granted only to my closest friends.’
‘I’m flattered. But I’m hardly a close friend.’ Beth said.

‘I know for a fact that you and I are going to be such close friends, we’ll wonder how we’ve ever managed without one another.’ Hyacinth gripped Beth’s hand even tighter. ‘I can feel that we’re on the same wavelength. You have a very special gift.’
Beth was astounded. She took a deep breath, drained her glass and looked around for a refill.
‘Don’t worry, darling. Your secret is safe with me.’ Hyacinth smiled, eyes twinkling. ‘I’ll take good care of you.’
Beth looked squarely at Hyacinth not knowing what to say. She could only think what a beautiful woman H was with her bewitching blue eyes, and thick mane of blonde hair. Her aura was overpowering. She spoke only to Beth. Even though other people surrounded them Hyacinth made her feel as if they were the only two people in the world. Was this what Val meant? But what exactly was ‘this’? And how could this stranger possibly know her secret? Unless . . .
‘I know this is a silly question, but have we met before?’
‘Not in the flesh, Beth.’
H was buzzing. Throwing her usual caution to the wind she lost no time manipulating Beth by telling her how much she enjoyed hill walking, and in the next breath suggested they go for a day’s walking together in the Lake District.
‘To blow the hospital cobwebs away, darling,’ she briefly released Beth’s hand to take a fresh glass of champagne from the tray of a circulating waitress, ‘there’s nothing to compare with the sun on your back and a bit of Lakeland solitude.’ She swiftly took hold of Beth’s hand again pressing the cold crystal into her palm then clasping their hands together around the glass. ‘And I could have you all to myself, couldn’t I?’
Beth hiccupped. ‘Sorry — what did you say?’ she laughed nervously, ‘Really, this champagne is very strong.’ Beth finally managed to break free. ‘I think I must be hearing things. I thought you said something about having me all to yourself.’
‘Mmmm . . . did you?’ H raised her eyebrows quizzically, sensually sucking the juicy strawberry she picked out of Beth’s champagne. Taking Beth’s elbow she moved even closer, ‘Come with me, darling. I’ll introduce you to my special girlfriends. It’s so good that you’ve joined George’s team. He speaks highly of you, and told me what a tough time you had after your father died. It takes guts to do what you did.’
Beth was bewitched.
‘Now, darling, these are three of my special friends.’ Hyacinth stopped beside a group of attractive, ultra-fashionable women. ‘Ladies, I’d like to introduce Beth McConnell, whom I hope we will all get to know much better.’
The women greeted Beth warmly. She was intrigued by their identical diamond pendants. Beth loved diamonds; indeed she was wearing her favourite diamond earrings today. These women had great taste in gems, but how weird they’d all chosen to wear the same design.
‘Look over there,’ H pointed to a glamorous young blonde who turned and waved to them. ‘That’s Felicity, Davinia’s daughter.’ Again, taking Beth’s elbow, she led her further round the gardens introducing her to more guests. Beth felt like a filly in the parade ring. She knew she would never remember so many different faces, never mind their names, but it wasn’t important, as she didn’t envisage meeting any of them again. ‘Darling, I’ve had a brilliant idea. Why don’t we make ourselves a date to go hill walking? Two weeks today. And I won’t take no for an answer.’
‘I’d like that.’ Beth surprised herself by agreeing.
‘I’ll pick you up darling. George can give me your address. I’ll weave some magic to order us some sunshine. We don’t want it to rain on our parade.’ Hyacinth put her head to one side, ‘I’m looking forward to our date already.’ She licked her lips. ‘Sorry I have to leave you now, Beth. I have to mingle otherwise George will be such a grouse if I don’t do some serious arse licking.‘
‘Hyacinth!’ Beth burst out laughing.
‘See you soon.’ H leaned into Beth, savouring the warmth of her body, and squeezed her arm before she moved away.
It was only a light touch, yet Beth was overwhelmed by the force of energy that surged through her, accompanied by a vision of Hyacinth wearing a purple cloak and cupping something in the palm of her hand. Instinctively she reached out grabbing a chair to steady herself.
Hyacinth had broken her spell leaving Beth’s mind all over the place. Her knees knocked as her eyes steadily followed Hyacinth’s disappearing back. She didn’t know what to think, but one thing she did know for sure was that she couldn’t wait for their day out.
Hyacinth continued to play Beth like a fiddle throughout the rest of the day, deliberately coming close to her then disappearing again.
Seeking solitude, Beth headed into the tranquillity of the deserted poolroom. Spectacular in engineering and design, the outside tinted glass wall opened up giving the indoor pool an outdoor feel. She walked between the tall palm trees and sank down into a deep comfortable recliner, which was partially hidden from view, beside a fountain where a classic statue of Venus stood in the centre.
She stilled her mind, rejecting what she considered to be unnatural thoughts.
Laughter from the swimming pool disturbed her solitude. Two of the women she had been introduced to earlier must have followed her in and were splashing each other playfully in the water. Beth sat up, straining her eyes to see.
She couldn’t tear her eyes away as she watched them kissing each other. Beth gasped. These were two of H’s special friends. She watched the redhead drop the top of her swimsuit and push her tits into the young blonde’s face.
Beth squeezed her eyes tight shut so she couldn’t see what was happening. It was exciting her too much. Curiosity got the better of her. Opening one eye to peep, then the other, she was disappointed to see that the pool was empty. Standing up to leave she was embarrassed to feel moistness between her legs.
Unobserved, H watched Beth’s reactions with mounting carnal lust. In her book, this beauty was certainly romp-worthy. She was going to enjoy this chase and conquest more than any before. Her powers of telepathy had easily homed into Beth’s thoughts showing her how much Beth enjoyed watching the pool scene. But the intrusion had also shown her other sides of Beth. Qualities that Beth herself was unaware of.
The remainder of the party passed Beth by in a daze, as did the taxi ride home. Although glad to be alone in her bed, she was unable to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes all she could see was Hyacinth moving among her guests shining like a star in her kingfisher-blue outfit, and the two women in the pool turned into herself and Hyacinth. Why couldn’t she block these feelings? They were driving her crazy. And the vision of H wearing a purple cloak, what was that all about? Why did the intoxicating scent of this woman surround her as if they were lying together?


The following morning, exhausted by lack of sleep, Beth met Ann, the anaesthetist ready to start their list in the operating theatre. Beth needed to push all thoughts of Hyacinth out of her mind for the sake of her sanity. Ann had other ideas. She wanted to know all about the charity bash. Her questions never stopped.
‘You lucky thing!’ Ann smiled wryly. ‘I hope I get an invite to the next one.’
‘You probably will. It was nothing really. Good food though. Val said the catering would be good, and it was.’ Beth played it down.
‘What was their house like?’
‘Nice.’ Beth busied about pretending to look for something.
‘Is that it? Nice? What was the garden like, then?’ Ann followed her into the store cupboard.
‘Big? Well then, who was there?’
‘Lots of people.’ Beth dropped a packet of surgical dressings.
‘For God’s sake, Beth, don’t give too much away will you!’
‘Sorry. I’m tired today.’ She bent to retrieve the packet.
‘I suppose you had someone stay over last night,’ Ann said with a Cheshire Cat grin on her face.
‘No. No, I didn’t actually.’ Beth’s tone was cool as she regained her composure.
‘Well then! What’s Hyacinth Dickinson like? They say she’s gorgeous.’
Beth’s stomach lurched. Searching for words to reply as Hyacinth’s face swam into vision before her eyes, she was saved as the theatre doors swung wide and the first patient was wheeled in. Beth thanked her lucky stars.
It was a busy day leaving Ann with no chance to continue her questions before she had to hurry off to keep an appointment leaving Beth to finish writing up patients’ notes.

As Ann left the operating theatre, Hyacinth parked her Mercedes in the reserved parking bay. She always looked good, but today she had taken particular care with her appearance and looked ravishing in a red Valentino trouser suit. She stubbed out her cigarette under her expensive boot before entering the hospital by a side fire exit. She knew exactly what she was going to do.
Beth was glad to be alone. It had been a relief to concentrate on work. She’d finished writing up her notes and was checking the theatre to ensure everything was in order before leaving when she thought she heard the outer doors open. Hurrying to investigate, she found no-one and doubled back to check the staff room.
As she walked in, she sensed a presence behind her. Then warm hands covered her eyes. She panicked. Was it a ghost? Every hospital has convincing ghost stories and St. Gregory’s was no exception.
Hyacinth dropped her hands onto Beth’s shoulders, turning her so they were face to face. Before Beth could speak H kissed her full on the lips. Beth’s body responded, instantly shooting into overdrive. She was on fire as realization dawned that this lady meant business. She hadn’t called in just to be sociable. Hyacinth’s persuasive tongue seduced hers, and Beth didn’t want the kissing to stop. She was experiencing a type of arousal she’d never felt before, and loving it. Hyacinth, an expert in the art of seduction, and confident of her effect on Beth, fondled Beth’s breasts, squeezing and coaxing her nipples now protruding through the thin material of her theatre greens.
‘You are pleased to see me, darling,’ she whispered.
Beth only managed a nod.
Hyacinth’s hands slipped under Beth’s loose top, gliding up her back to unhook her bra. Beth’s legs turned to jelly as nerves took over. She held her breath. Pure bliss. Her hands were glued to the wall behind her. While at the back of her mind she was praying she’d put on a decent bra that morning because she dressed for comfort not for style when on duty.
Hyacinth gave a husky laugh. ‘Don’t be nervous, darling. You know this is fun,’ she whispered, ‘just relax.’
Beth shivered, her soul adrift, lost in the depths of Hyacinth’s Mediterranean blue eyes, hypnotized yet shaken to the core, wanting more, needing more. Her hips started to move with a life of their own, pushing into Hyacinth.
Perfect, just the reaction I anticipated, thought Hyacinth, congratulating herself.
Beth couldn’t believe what she was doing. What was Hyacinth playing at? Why was she here, disrupting her emotions, opening the door into territory where she had never dared venture before? What signals had she given off to make Hyacinth think she could seduce her?
‘Ooohhhhh, Hyacinth!’ she moaned, ‘What are you doing to me?’ Again she felt the wetness between her shaking legs. This had to stop. This woman was making her lose her sanity. She wanted to push Hyacinth away, unable to cope with her surging emotions. She couldn’t. Hyacinth’s hands were all over Beth, and when she discovered Beth was wearing stockings and suspenders under her loose fitting trousers she was more than titillated.
‘What have we here?’ she cooed pulling the suspenders through the green material.
Beth was still rooted to the spot. Then they heard a noise. She panicked; Hyacinth didn’t turn a hair just moved her hands away and took a step back as Ann’s head appeared round the door.
‘I wondered where you had got to, Beth. Sister’s asking if you can come and check on a patient.’ Ann, oblivious to the tension, was unaware she was looking at the woman she’d wanted to know all about earlier in the day.
Flustered, Beth was finding it difficult to pull herself together and act naturally.‘Yes. Yes, of course I can. I’ll be right there.’
Ann left as quickly as she’d arrived.
Although furious at being interrupted, Hyacinth was much too clever to show it. Cupping Beth’s face in her hands, she kissed her. ‘See you at the weekend, darling.’ Then she calmly turned on her heel and walked away experiencing a rush of excitement at almost being caught in such a wonderfully compromising situation.

After another sleepless night, thanks to visions of the encounter with Hyacinth tormenting her, Beth struggled to concentrate on the ward round, grateful no surgery was scheduled.
She noticed a patient’s blood transfusion running low and asked a new auxiliary nurse to fetch more blood from the fridge, only half explaining it needed to be warm so that when it was used, the patient wouldn’t go into shock. It was a simple enough request, or so Beth thought. Because the nurse was missing for what seemed like an eternity, Beth went to look for her and found her in the kitchen. The woman was warming a pan on the cooker. Standing in the doorway Beth watched horrified at the nurse’s attempts to pour the blood back into its bag. Didn’t everybody know to warm a bag of blood you wrapped it in a pillowcase and held it under your arm for a while so your body heat takes the chill off? Then hysteria kicked in and Beth became helpless with laughter. She explained to the bemused newcomer what ‘warm it up’ actually meant and they laughed together.
The incident served to remind Beth that she should have made herself clear. She must not allow other things to cloud her mind. It was all Hyacinth’s fault. Relieved when her shift finished, she escaped back to the safety of her flat, where she sat drinking endless cups of coffee, hopelessly trying to clear her mind when all she could feel were Hyacinth’s hands on her body. That night she dreamt Hyacinth was making love to her. When she woke she felt on the brink of orgasm. She had never had this happen to her before. She needed to block all thoughts of that woman from her mind and throw herself into her work.
Perhaps she should make an excuse and cancel the trip to the Lake District. Yes, that’s what she would do. This way she could put her feelings safely to the back of her mind and ignore them.
Working in theatre with George, she couldn’t look him in the eye, making it impossible for her to dismiss the fact of just how much she wanted to see his wife again.
Despite her decision to block Hyacinth out, it was impossible. Every time Beth thought about her, she felt excited, butterflies in her stomach, the whole thing. She just had to be with her, like a teenager with a crush. She was so smitten she couldn’t eat. Her decision to cancel their trip did not materialize. Every time she picked up the phone, full of good intention, she faltered. The gremlins in her subconscious battled it out between them until the weekend arrived and Beth hadn’t made the phone call.

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