Friday, 21 July 2017

Beautiful Strangers: Chapters Seven and Eight


Beth was up at the crack of dawn. She wanted to look perfect and went through her entire wardrobe carelessly flinging clothes on the floor in her search for something that she considered suitable. Why don’t I have some glamorous walking gear? she fumed while putting in her diamond stud earrings.

Hyacinth wouldn’t have cared if Beth had worn a black bin bag. Soon she would be expected to introduce Beth into her inner circle, but she didn’t want to share this one, not yet. She was still kicking herself for getting carried away with the situation in the theatre staff room. She could have blown it, yet her gut instinct had been right. Today, she told herself firmly as she drove into town, she would be on her best behaviour. Absolutely no touching. She smiled as the memory of Beth’s body caused her to place her hand between her legs.

Beth heard the sound of a car horn, looked out of the window and saw Hyacinth waving her down. Better not go in, thought Hyacinth, or we’ll never get going. She switched on the CD player so that when Beth stepped into the car her favourite music would be playing. It had been easy to discover Beth’s musical preferences from the theatre staff and load the CD player accordingly. Let the seduction begin.
‘Good morning, Hyacinth.’ Beth said as she slid into the passenger seat.
Hyacinth looked sideways at Beth.
‘Whoops. Sorry.’ Beth apologized. ‘I mean good morning, H.’
‘That’s better, darling.’ H shot her a killer smile. ‘And good morning to you too.’
‘Aren’t we lucky? The sun’s shining and the weather forecast is good. Unseasonably warm. It looks like we’re set for a good day. What lovely music.’ You’re jabbering, Beth.
‘One of my favourite artists, darling. I heard the weather forecast too. It must have been my sunshine spell that did it, but I‘ve brought a jacket, just in case. Did you think to put one in your bag?’
‘Yes.’ Beth rubbed her clammy hands against her bare legs in an effort to cover her flesh from Hyacinth’s penetrating gaze. Then she searched in her bumbag for her sunglasses.
Aware of Beth’s uneasiness Hyacinth said, ‘Have you settled in okay at St. Gregory’s?’
‘I think so. Thanks for asking. I discovered an old friend working there too. So that was nice.’
‘Really, darling? And who is that?’
‘One of the sisters. Val Taylor.’
‘Oh yes. I know Val. She came to our fundraiser last year. Jolly soul. Game for a laugh if I remember correctly.’
‘Oh yes. That’s Val.’
‘And just what is your connection darling?’
‘We met on the first day of my medical training. She’s been like a guardian angel to me.’
‘Has she now?’ said H, making a mental note to check Val out.
‘She works night duty mostly, and always has some student nurse under her wing these days. She likes to have a joke with them. Jolly them along. She told me about one student,’ Beth started to laugh.
‘Come on then. Spit it out.’
‘Well. Val sent this particular student to theatre for a set of fallopian tubes. When she returned she was carrying two lengths of plastic drain pipes that the theatre porter had obligingly given her.’
They both burst out laughing.
‘She’s not like some of the sisters who treat their staff appallingly, and seem to relish bullying the students. It’s awful.’
‘That’s dreadful. But rest assured — they will reap what they sow.’ H said, as she drove with speed through the rugged northern landscape.
The sun had started to climb into the blue sky. It cast pretty shadows through the high broken clouds enhancing the deep yellow of the hundreds of daffodils heralding their approach to Wordsworth country.
Hyacinth mesmerized Beth; who thought H looked about twenty years old today with her hair up in a ponytail. Beth didn’t know today was H’s fortieth birthday. The more they talked the more Beth fell under her spell. Davinia and Julie became a topic of conversation. Beth discovered Davinia’s daughter Felicity ran an outrageously expensive livery yard on the family estate, and was a successful event rider.
Hyacinth smirked when she said the Macfarlines had staff to attend to their every need, especially Petra, the Swedish housekeeper. ‘Housekeeper my eye.’ H laughed. ‘Petra is so sexy. She has the most beautiful blonde wavy hair I’ve ever seen. She is a natural blonde too.’
Beth gasped. ‘How do you know that?’
‘Believe me, darling. I know,’ H said playfully. ‘And, she has the sexiest pale blue eyes.’ She glanced at Beth to check the effect her words were having, pleased at the jealous sparkle in Beth’s eyes. She continued innocently, ‘Did I mention her amazingly long legs?’

Beth was jealous, an unknown emotion for her. Did Hyacinth and this Petra person have something going between them, and was this Hyacinth’s way of telling her she had competition? Or, had she got it all completely wrong? She felt confused, which is exactly what Hyacinth intended.
Feeling smug at Beth’s reaction to the information about Petra, Hyacinth almost allowed herself to reach out and touch her, so impatient was she to move things forward. But experience and her strong will held her in check. One wrong move and her game plan might go awry. She forced herself to keep both hands on the steering wheel, licking her lips at the thought of what could come later.
They arrived in Langdale, a beautiful part of the English Lake District. Hyacinth drove slowly along the twisting roads enabling them to enjoy the scenery. Passing the entrance to The Country Club, the road climbed slightly running alongside a fast flowing beck. Hyacinth parked behind Wainwrights Pub.
‘We’ll eat here later, darling, shall we?’ Hyacinth smiled across at Beth as she opened the car boot. ‘Oh, and they do an excellent full English breakfast. Should we decide to stay over.’ Her eyes sparkled mischievously at the thought of an overnight stay.
‘I don’t know about that H. I might have plans for this evening.’
‘Plans?’ H continued fastening the laces of her walking boots. ‘Yes. We all have plans, darling.’
Carrying their small backpacks, they wasted no time in heading off towards Langdale Pike to enjoy a day in the glorious sunshine.
As they walked Hyacinth turned and hugged Beth, ‘Darling! You look absolutely gorgeous. I just love those shorts.’ She ran her hands down Beth’s back cupping her buttocks, drawing Beth into her groin. The expression in her eyes made Beth blush as she stammered her thanks for the compliment. ‘We’re going to be such close friends, Beth. Are you familiar with the saying: friends with benefits?’ Hyacinth whispered.
She grabbed Beth’s hand, and pulled her along, ‘Come on, darling. I’ve got lots to show you.’ And you don’t know the half she thought wickedly.
Beth followed her like a lamb to the slaughter. Hyacinth knew the area well so was able to point out various landmarks, but soon she was back on the subject of her friends and their party games. Beth was spellbound; sure now that Hyacinth was dangling a carrot to see if she was interested. Who could fail to be? H described beautiful women enjoying themselves, and each other, in beautiful surroundings. Petra’s name kept cropping up making Beth wonder if she was doing it on purpose to get a reaction. If so, she certainly succeeded.
‘Is Petra involved in the parties?’ Beth asked sharply while walking up yet another hill.
‘Oh, she is, my darling, she most definitely is. But don’t you get any ideas.’ She reached out and took hold of Beth’s hand. ‘Help me over this rocky bit.’
Beth couldn’t believe she was having this conversation, becoming overwhelmed by erotic thoughts about these women. This was a whole new ball game. She had always refused to acknowledge her attraction to women, blocked it out, and yet here she was literally walking into a situation with her boss’s wife. How stupid was that? But she drooled over the way Hyacinth’s clothes clung to her body; how her lilac checked shirt was casually tied under her tanned braless breasts, inviting Beth to feast her eyes to the full.
Beth hadn’t discussed her feelings for Hyacinth with anyone. Not even Lindsay, her absolute best friend. After all, it could be just a passing phase. She didn’t know how far Hyacinth would want to take this — this thing that was happening between them.
Hyacinth was still teasing her about Petra when they came across a large flat rock, the perfect place to stop for their picnic lunch.
‘This view is unbelievable. It’s like sitting on top of the world,’ Beth said. The viridian lakeland fells stretched out all around them, empty of people, but dotted with flocks of sheep. Below them Elterwater lake shimmered as the sun beat down from a cloudless sky.
‘I have a friend who lives over there.’ Hyacinth pointed in the vague direction of Ambleside. ‘You’ll like her. She’s crazy. Dances around naked when there’s a full moon!’ she laughed out loud.
Beth grinned, ‘Yeah, right . . . I believe you . . . thousands wouldn’t!’ and concentrated on unwrapping her packed lunch.
‘Oh, it’s true enough darling. She makes the most exquisite jewellery. Tell you what. I’ll take you to meet her one day. She’ll love you.’
‘Jewellery? How interesting. Costume?’
‘Oh no darling. Meg’s designs are beautiful, truly original, and she only ever works with the real thing.’
‘The real thing? What do you mean?’
‘Darling, you are slow. Gold, silver, sapphires and such, but especially diamonds. Oh yes . . . Meg’s a whiz with her diamond creations.’
‘Really?’ Beth took a drink of water from her flask.
‘Do you like diamonds, Beth?’
‘Doesn’t every girl? You could say they are one of my weaknesses.’ Beth lifted her hair and angled her head to show off her prized diamond studs.
Hyacinth nearly choked on her sandwich. ‘And what are your others, darling?’
‘I think I’m just finding out.’ As if challenging her, Beth looked directly into Hyacinth’s eyes that were blazing with emotion — dangerous emotion.
‘You know darling, we have such a lot in common . . . my friends are going to love you.’ H deliberately stopped the conversation there. She wanted Beth to concentrate on what she’d said about her beautiful friends. She knew she was rushing things, but couldn’t help it and discovering Beth’s love of diamonds was a wonderful unexpected bonus. She hadn’t planned to tell Beth anything like she had today, but had been unable to stop herself as she’d described some of her coven’s rituals, picturing Beth in the leading role. Another bonus would be to get her into bed with Petra. That would be some threesome. She was currently enjoying pitting her wits against the feisty Swede, confident she would get her way in the end. She never failed to.
Ready to continue their walk, they stood up and collected their belongings. As Beth turned for a last look at Elterwater, she stumbled and fell, banging her head on the rock they had used as their dining table.
In an instant H was kneeling beside her. ‘Are you okay? What happened?’
‘Sorry, but I don’t think I can get up . . . I feel a bit dizzy.’
After checking her over, H cradled Beth’s head in her lap. ‘You silly girl. Can you remember what you did? Did you faint?’
‘No . . . I just turned round. I wanted a last look at the lake. I shouldn’t have bothered. I must have slipped.’
H bent forward and kissed Beth’s forehead, ‘Poor baby. We’d better head home.’


Beth slept most of the way home, only waking when the car engine was switched off. Hyacinth leaned across and spoke softly, ‘I thought you would prefer to come home with me for a while. We need to make sure you’re okay. You could have a slight concussion after hitting your head.’ She placed a hand on Beth’s forehead, ostensibly checking to see if she had a temperature, using any excuse to touch her.
Half asleep, Beth nodded in agreement.
Knowing the house would be empty, Hyacinth had battled with herself throughout the entire drive, should she bring Beth home with her, or not? She wanted to take Beth to bed, to explore her voluptuous body, and this was the perfect opportunity.
Switching on the lowest voltage lamps in the hall and living room, to keep the mood, Hyacinth settled Beth on the sofa and went to make coffee.
Beth was dozing when Hyacinth returned. Sitting on the floor Hyacinth stroked Beth’s face, tracing every detail, lingering over her lips. Beth’s eyes flickered open.
‘Are you awake, darling? I’ve made coffee. Why don’t you take a shower? You’ll feel more refreshed.’
‘Thanks H. I’d appreciate a shower, but I don’t have a change of clothes.’
‘Oh, that’s not a problem, darling. I’ll find you something.’
Twenty minutes later sitting on a chair in the dramatic black and gold bathroom, Beth glanced around appreciating the luxurious design. This was some guest suite. She undressed, eager to feel the warm water ease her aching muscles, all the while conscious of where Hyacinth could be and what she might be doing. Working up a rich lather with some beautifully scented soap, she almost slipped when the shower door opened and Hyacinth stepped in behind her, naked.
‘You’re full of surprises, aren’t you? Do you make a habit of sneaking up behind people?’ Beth snapped. Terrified, but wildly excited, she stood rigid not knowing what to do.
Hyacinth didn’t answer. Instead she kissed the nape of Beth’s neck and started sliding her fingers up and down Beth’s thighs as the warm water cascaded over them. Putting her arm around Beth’s waist she turned Beth to face her; so close their nipples touched.
Beth felt ready to explode. Dizzy with fearful ecstasy, yet despite the hot water she was covered in goose pimples.
‘Are you cold, darling?’ Hyacinth whispered as she nuzzled her ear.
‘N-n-n-no,’ Beth shivered, her teeth chattered, she couldn’t stop herself from barking, ‘Just because you’re a gynaecologist, Hyacinth, doesn’t mean that you have automatic access, you know!’
Hyacinth’s shoulders shook with laughter, ‘At last I’ve found a woman with a sense of humour.’ She kissed Beth, a long, sweet lingering kiss.
Beth had been waiting for this, but now it was happening she didn’t know what to do. Should she touch Hyacinth? She wanted to, but didn’t want to make a fool of herself by fainting on the spot. It must have been the knock on the head that was making her feel so dizzy, or was it the fact that she was holding her breath as her arms nervously crept around Hyacinth.
Hyacinth was just about to make her next move when the doorbell rang. Cursing, she wrapped herself in a robe. ‘Just stay in the bathroom darling until the coast’s clear.’ She disappeared to deal with the unwelcome caller.
Beth waited for what seemed like hours, although it was only minutes. The passion completely knocked on the head, she dressed in her borrowed clothes, deciding the instant Hyacinth reappeared she would make her excuses and leave. What if it’s George? She couldn’t do this. And she had the most splitting headache.

Hyacinth opened the front door.
‘You’re ready for bed early.’ The visitor looked her up and down, ‘Have you got someone in there?’
‘I’m tired, that’s all. I’ve had a long day. Is this the parcel?’ Hyacinth reached out to take it. ‘Thanks for bringing it, darling. I’ll make sure everything’s ready for the big night.’ She leaned forward, kissed her visitor on the lips, and then dismissed her.
Pushing the parcel into a corner, she took the stairs two at a time, anxious to get back to Beth, only pausing to check her reflection in the mirror outside the bathroom.
‘Darling, what a nuisance and what shockingly bad timing . . . now . . . where were we?’ Hyacinth’s expression changed when she saw Beth was dressed. Keeping her composure, but determined to continue, she tried to pull Beth into her, gutted when Beth resisted. Frustration almost caused Hyacinth to scream out loud.
‘I really must be going now.’ Beth mumbled. ‘Would you please order me a taxi?’ She needed to escape.
‘Of course, darling, but first you must promise to come to London with me. We can go shopping, see a show, go dancing. My treat.’
That stopped Beth in her tracks. Looking into those hypnotic blue eyes she couldn’t refuse, and a weekend shopping in London would be nice. She might even pick up a new diamond bracelet from Aspreys. So after pretending to think about it, she agreed. ‘Thanks Hyacinth. I’ll look forward to it.’
‘Leave it all to me, darling. I’ll arrange something really special.’ H moved closer, allowing her robe to slip open showing off her perfect naked body.
Beth gasped. She couldn’t take in much more today.
Hyacinth sensed that. Taking Beth by the hand she led the way downstairs sitting her on the cream leather sofa while she rang for a taxi.
Ten minutes later going out through the flower filled front porch, Beth spotted a roll of purple material standing in a corner.
Hyacinth noticed. ‘Our disturbance darling,’ she smiled convincingly, ‘material for some new drapes.’
Beth had a fleeting thought that this gorgeous shade of purple wouldn’t match anything she had seen in Hyacinth’s house. Her head still aching, she forgot about the material as the taxi drove her home through the darkness, but she couldn’t stop herself reliving the shower scene.
As the taxi pulled out of her driveway, Hyacinth returned to her bedroom. She spoke into her mobile phone without any preamble. ‘Darling, I’ve found our missing link.’ She bounced on her king-sized bed. ‘Yes, she’s perfect. Leave it all to me.’

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