Friday, 18 August 2017

Beautiful Strangers: Chapters Seventeen to Nineteen


Beth was haunted by thoughts of Lou, angry with herself for allowing her mind to be taken over by a woman she’d only met briefly. Lou had had a massive effect on her, the like of nothing before and she couldn’t stop Lou’s beautiful face dancing through her mind no matter how hard she tried. Lady Luck couldn’t make their paths cross again — could she?
The sound of the piano interrupted her thoughts. She was ready to dance then perhaps she could push all thoughts of Lou out of her head.
Wrapped up in herself she was unaware of the white rage Hyacinth was fighting to control and the several large gins she had downed in quick succession.
Better we sit in silence, H thought. She couldn’t trust herself to speak for fear of her anger bursting out. She needed to calm down. If Penny fucked up the delivery of the diamond consignment they would all be in real danger. Hyacinth would kill her if she did. Hopefully Alison, one of her trusted coven members, would be able to save the deal. H needed to be in Tynemouth, not in London seducing a woman she suddenly had doubts about. Just wait till she got her hands on Penny.
They had arranged to meet Constance at nine-thirty so had another hour to kill. Beth, happily preoccupied with thoughts of Lou, looked over at the piano and gasped, ‘Wow!’
Lou was playing the baby grand.
‘What? Did you say something, darling?’ H said.
Leaning forward in her seat, Beth rubbed her eyes hard. Lou evaporated. That was a rather tasteful vision, she thought.
‘It’s nothing, H. I thought I saw someone I knew. Another g and t darling?’ Beth mimicked.
Hyacinth nodded absently, not paying attention, she missed the sarcasm. Fury still surged through her over the phone call from her Number One. How dare Penny try to dictate the terms of sharing? How bloody dare she remind her — Hyacinth — about the basic rules of the group when she should have been out meeting the Contact.

Hyacinth controlled the group, it was her group. She made the rules. Every one of her women had been only too keen to become part of it and enjoy the benefits.
Time dragged until they were able to get into a taxi and head for this supposedly exciting, wonderful club that Constance recommended.
When they arrived, it was so exclusive, Beth thought they were going to be asked for their dental records as proof of identity. Fortunately Constance was already waiting for them and whisked them into the VIP lounge. Beth’s eyes became like two huge saucers. She stopped in disbelief looking around at the women. She couldn’t believe what she had been missing all these years. Fragments of her conversation with Lindsay came to mind as she allowed herself the liberation to appreciate her feelings without censoring them.
Constance led them to a reserved table. She had taken the initiative and had the champagne already on ice, then she was immediately monopolized by Hyacinth leaving Beth feeling rather at sea.
A familiar voice spoke to her. ‘Hello Beth, how are you?’
‘Angela! How lovely to see you again. You’re a long way from home. Are you joining us?’
‘Yes. I’m staying in my Kensington apartment. You’ll like this club Beth — it’s safe. You can be yourself in here.’ She sat down and helped herself to a glass of champagne.
‘What about your husband? Does he know you come here?’ Beth said intrigued.
‘Oh yes . . . my husband.’ Angela smiled, ‘Well, we have our little arrangement. Ours is a marriage of convenience and it works. We each have our own circle of friends, including our special friends. You’ll find a lot of that here.’ Angela took a drink, set her glass down, and reached for Beth’s hand. ‘Come and dance with me, Beth. You’ll do me a power of good. I think we can be friends, you and I. No strings. No ulterior motives. What do you say?’
‘Friends? Yes.’
They stood up ready to move to the dance floor. Beth turned to speak to Hyacinth. She was still talking to Constance, muttering how someone could please themselves.
‘Come on, leave them to it.’ Angela took Beth’s hand, ‘No point trying to butt in on that conversation.’
A couple of dances later and back in their seats Beth looked across the dance floor towards the bar. Lou was standing in the middle of a group of women. Beth’s heart flipped as she watched Lou scan the room. If only you were looking for me, she craved. Savouring the way Lou’s blonde hair shone, loving how her shirt clung to her breasts, with all her might Beth willed Lou to turn and see her, to come over and ask her to dance.
What’s love got to do with it? Tina Turner sang. Suddenly Hyacinth became aware of Beth’s thoughts towards Lou. She grabbed her, ‘Come on darling, one of my favourites. Let’s dance!’
In the midst of the crowded floor H was over zealous, spinning Beth too fast. God, what a hopeless dancer, she’s pathetic, Beth thought. What’s wrong with her?
Hyacinth hadn’t wanted to dance. She was only doing it to take Beth’s mind off Lou. Wishing the dance was over, anxious to return to her conversation with Constance, she spun Beth too hard watching helplessly as Beth started to fall.
In a heartbeat, Lou caught her, pulling her in as if her life depended on it. She had known their bodies would be a perfect fit and surrendered to the moment. It was sheer joy to hold Beth close. With her arms around Beth’s waist, she held her even tighter whispering, ‘I’ve got you. I wouldn’t throw you into the arms of another woman.’
Fleetingly wondering why she felt as if she had come home, Beth lifted her head to thank her rescuer and made eye contact with Lou.
But Hyacinth spoke first putting her hand on Beth’s arm as if to pull them apart.
‘Why, thank you, darling. I’m afraid my partner is not used to drinking. You really must stop drinking so much, Beth,’ she scolded, expecting Beth to remain silent and walk away with her. Neither Beth nor Lou moved.
‘Thanks. Thank you, Lou.’ Brief words, huge impact.
Dragging her eyes away from Lou, Beth rounded angrily on H, ‘Now let’s get this straight: I am neither your partner, nor have I drank too much, Hyacinth. And I’ll thank you not to interfere.’
Beth’s outburst delighted Lou.
H was astounded. This was the second time Beth had retaliated, but it was enough to make her realize she could be mishandling things. She propelled Beth back to the safety of their table.
Ignoring H, Beth sipped her drink, her thoughts on Lou and their sweet, all too brief moment of heavenly contact. H, sure Beth was sulking, renewed her conversation with Constance and ignored her.
Beth wasn’t sulking, far from it. She had just been hit with the terrific realization that Lou was gay and anything was possible. They could be together. Surely Lou must have felt the chemistry when they held each other. It was electric.
A hand touched Beth’s shoulder and Lou’s face came close to hers, ‘Dance?’
‘Love to.’
Beth was on the dance floor before H, mouth agape, had time to speak.
‘Did you mean that?’ Lou asked.
‘Mean what?’
‘That blondie over there is not your partner?’
‘Do you mean the one who looks like she’s sucking a lemon?’ Beth giggled. ‘No, she’s not. She has a husband. I’m just a new toy.’
‘Come and see me tomorrow morning, eleven o’clock at The Dorchester. The Concierge will bring you to my suite.’
Before Beth could answer they were interrupted by Lou’s friends pulling her away; they were moving on to another club.
‘Eleven o’clock. Remember . . . I’ll be waiting.’ Lou merged into the throng of women, but turned and blew Beth a kiss as she left.
Buzzing, Beth returned to the table. What about Hyacinth? In her mind she quickly built an imaginary brick wall hoping to protect herself from H’s mental intrusions; the wall should stop H from invading her mind, and bounce her own thoughts back to her.
She looked into H’s stormy eyes trying to transmit innocence. She would have to think of something good enough to get rid of her for the day.
Looking across the table at Constance she had an idea. ‘Constance, how do you feel about going with H to Madam Tussauds tomorrow instead of me?’
Constance held Beth’s unflinching gaze. ‘Why? Where are you going?’ Her request was not sharp, but almost joking.
H swung round to look at Beth, blonde hair flying, blue eyes piercing. About to demand an explanation she thought better of it. She’d upset her once tonight, she’d better tread carefully. Why couldn’t she read her mind?
Beth casually said that Lou had invited her to have lunch at The Dorchester and it would have been rude to refuse.
If Hyacinth had needed something to jerk her back to reality that was it. Constance, sensing it wasn’t just the thought of having lunch that was tempting Beth, was more than happy to agree. In her opinion, Beth was far too good to be in H’s clutches.
Hyacinth, however, had been given a wake up call. She was attentive and charming for the rest of the evening. Soon they were all giggling like naughty schoolgirls. Beth didn’t need the champagne to make her feel happy. Her thoughts of Lou did more than that. And not wanting a repeat of the previous night, she drank very little alcohol.


Arriving at the Dorchester, Beth was shown to Lou's suite. Suffering a tremendous attack of nerves and self-doubt, she paced the hallway unable to bring herself to knock on the door. What the hell was she doing here? When she finally found the courage to knock, there was no reply.
Fool, she cursed herself. You bloody fool. How could someone like Lou be interested in you? Disappointed she turned towards the lifts, about to walk away, when her inner voice said, Wait. Knock again. Sighing, Beth turned, raising her hand just as the door opened.
Beth's face dropped as glancing quickly over Lou's shoulder she saw the same woman who had been downstairs with Lou the previous day. Who is this woman . . . Lou’s shadow?
'Beth! At last you’re here. I've been waiting, I was scared you wouldn't come.' Lou, elegant, sophisticated with her hair swept up, reached out, drawing Beth to her. 'Please . . . come in. This is Sarah, my agent. We've just finished working.'
Beth's relief was instant. Suddenly she liked this shadow.
'Hi, Beth. Pleased to meet you.' Sarah said as she crossed the room to shake Beth's hand. She picked up her briefcase and said to Lou, 'Well, I guess that's it. I'll be off now, but the minute I hear anything I'll call you. I'm sure it will be good news.'
Sarah left.
Lou said casually, 'There may be some film work in the pipeline for me in America, but it's early days yet and nothing is certain in this business.'
Beth nodded, not taking in what she was saying, just enjoying the sound of her voice, and the joy of being able to look at her again. Small quivers of excitement flickered in her stomach, growing in intensity. The room, although extremely spacious, felt hot and airless, the whole scenario surreal. Feeling she was in a situation that seemed right and natural; she couldn’t wait to jump in with both feet. Am I losing my mind, or am I looking at my soul mate?
She watched as Lou switched on some music, collected a champagne bucket from behind the bar and set it down beside two glasses already on the coffee table. She popped the cork, poured their drinks, and handed one across the table to Beth, their fingers touched making Beth tingle all over. She gazed into Lou’s eyes, dark with desire. She felt her juices rush between her legs soaking the delicate fabric of her panties.
Taking the glass with a trembling hand, she pretended to take a sip, then decided it was safer to stand the glass on the table than look foolish and spill champagne on the carpet. She stood like a statue, her stomach clenched tightly. She desperately wanted to kiss Lou, to taste her lips, to feel her breath against her face, to smell her skin. Tension was building in her body; her heart pounded heavily in her chest.
Lou's voice interrupted her thought, ‘I wasn’t sure you would turn up this morning.’
‘I couldn’t wait to see you.’
‘Nor I you.’
She traced Lou’s face with her eyes, and couldn’t stop them from travelling down to her breasts. She stared at the hardening nipples. ‘I’m not in the habit of doing this.’
‘Doing what?’
‘Meeting strangers in hotel rooms.’
‘By that, I’m assuming you mean women?’
‘I guessed as much. That makes me even happier that you came.’ Lou moved around the table to stand in front of Beth. ‘You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.’
‘Thank you.’
The energy crackled between them.
Beth breathed in Lou’s presence. Her pounding heart almost exploded when Lou leaned forward; soft lips kissed her forehead, then her eyes, the tip of her nose. My lips! Kiss my lips! She squirmed in anticipation as Lou trailed kisses along her jawline, her tongue flickered against Beth’s earlobe. Please kiss my lips! As if in answer Lou lightly kissed her lips before parting them; Beth greedily accepted the unfamiliar tongue exploring hers. She was so highly charged, it felt like bolts of lighting were shooting through her. Instinctively her arms wrapped around Lou, gripped her buttocks and pulled her in close. She wanted this woman.
She allowed Lou to lead her into the bedroom, help her onto the four poster bed and surround her with pillows.
'Watch and enjoy.' Lou stood before her at the bottom of the bed. She pulled the comb from her hair, releasing a shimmering blonde curtain, then started to sway in time to the now earthy beat of the music.
Beth was spellbound; awash with desire.
Lou's erotic, rhythmic dancing mesmerised her. Turning her on even more. She watched as Lou stroked her own body, sliding one hand up her thigh to raise her skirt showing the lacy pattern around her stocking top. The other tweaked her nipple. She licked her lips seductively, as if aware of the throbbing anguish occurring between Beth’s legs. How I’d love that tongue between my legs.
Beth moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and beckoned Lou to her. ‘I want to undress you.’
She unhooked Lou’s skirt and it dropped to the floor revealing shapely legs encased in silk stockings. Beth's shaking hands fumbled with Lou’s shirt buttons.
'Relax, lovely. Gently does it. I'm not going to bite you . . . not yet anyway.'
Beth slipped the shirt over Lou's shoulders. It floated to the floor revealing her perfect, barely-covered body. Beth's eyes were drawn to the dampness coming through the thin material of Lou’s panties.
'You’re overdressed, Beth. Let me make you more comfortable.'
Beth groaned out loud as Lou settled astride her, blonde pubic hair greeting black. Her nipples tightened under Lou’s touch awaking Beth’s direct line to her clitoris. Am I dreaming? she thought, as Lou’s fingers travelled down to her navel, circling, her body shivered, she wanted Lou’s fingers inside her. She groaned again, her rigid nipples straining to meet Lou's lips.
Lou, still licking, teasing, stroked Beth's body, exploring, caressing, discovering erogenous zones Beth didn't know she had.
Beth mirrored Lou’s actions. They kissed for a while then continued exploring each others bodies. Each wanting to pleasure the other.
I can smell Lou’s arousal. Beth relaxed, giving Lou an open invitation.
Lou leaned forward to kiss Beth, their nipples made contact making Beth thrust her pelvis towards Lou, a sign for her to move on.
Beth closed her eyes allowing these new sensations to wash over her, hungry for more. Thrills of excitement raced to her groin. Her juices flowed in abundance. She ran her hands through Lou’s soft, silky, long blonde hair as it trailed over her skin.
Lou kissed her way down Beth’s hot body. Her tongue, licking, sucking, pulling each pink nipple in turn. She felt Beth stiffen as she continued downward. Her fingers trailed Beth’s elegant hips, before moving across to her black pubic curls. Beth inhaled deeply, and spread her legs to allow Lou undenied access to her secret place. Lou’s fingers worked their magic as they caressed Beth’s labia, manipulating all the nerve endings. Beth opened up like a lotus, her muscles tightened around Lou’s fingers as they slowly slipped inside probing, twisting, stabbing in and out. Lou bent her head and inhaled Beth’s musky scent, her soft pink tongue flicked against Beth’s enlarged clitoris relishing the moreish taste of her. Sucking, coaxing, Lou’s skilful fingering, generated a hot desire that travelled up and down Beth’s spine, bringing her to a sensational climax.
Beth thrust her pelvis against Lou’s demanding mouth feeling her breath against her inner thighs. Her hands clutched her own breasts, she rolled her nipples between her fingers. This is it, Beth thought, I’m having an orgasm, a full body orgasm. She grabbed the sheets, the pillows and then Lou, as her body writhed, and shuddered in ecstasy. No sooner had it subsided, and another orgasm was building, and then another. Oh my God, I’m having a multiple orgasm. She wanted it to go on forever.
When she tried to analyse it, the only thing she could liken it to was a sneeze, or a series of sneezes. You know it’s coming and you don't want anything to stop it.
Beth was over any uncertainty, she wanted Lou to feel the sensations that she had felt. She laid Lou on her back, and lowered her head to sample the delights of Lou’s clitoris. Her fingers, shaking at first opened, and probed Lou’s inner dark tunnel.
Later they showered together, soaping each other all over. Inevitably one thing led to another and they were making love again. There was no stopping Beth now. This was the best day of her life.
Passionate promises to keep in touch were made, telephone numbers exchanged and Lou promised to call Beth as soon as she returned to North Yorkshire. Carefully, Beth tucked Lou's number safely into her purse. Leaving their parting as late as they dared, they reluctantly took the lift to the foyer to where Hyacinth and Constance were already waiting.


Hyacinth was trying to weigh up the situation between Lou and Beth. Pretending to be full of Madame Tussaud’s, telling how Constance bumped into a man, apologized, then realized it was a wax dummy, she took centre stage. Hawk-like she watched every move Beth and Lou made, looking for telltale signs that would confirm her worst fears. She was wasting her time. Lou was on to her, being purposely cool. She wasn’t an accomplished actress for nothing.
Constance watched Hyacinth’s performance with awe and thought, what a cracking good liar she is. We haven’t been to Madame Tussaud’s at all, yet I actually believe her. As Hyacinth flashed her a smile, Constance squeezed H’s hand under the table, relieved to have been taken into her inner circle. Easing her sore buttocks into a more comfortable position, the insides of her legs were bruised; she ached from the rough sex H had insisted on as part of her initiation package. Until this morning Constance had never considered bondage. Her hand went to the diamond pendant hidden beneath her top. A gift from H, and tangible evidence of Constance’s new found importance. Despite currently having a little discomfort Constance felt very smug. She had gained H’s trust.
Hyacinth sat back, relaxing for the first time that day. She had done the right thing taking Constance into her confidence. No, she corrected herself. She had done the right thing taking Constance. The sex had been great. She now had a perfect slave. That would teach Penny to step out of line. She couldn’t wait to see Penny’s face when she told her.
Beth was adrift in the middle of the situation as the other three women made polite conversation.
Lou had to leave. Shaking hands lastly with Hyacinth, maintaining steady eye contact, she solemnly thanked H for allowing her to enjoy Beth’s company, before majestically walking away. For the second time that weekend Hyacinth was speechless. Beth felt a twinge of guilt about her liaison with Lou, but it evaporated as an image of George flashed into her mind.
What a beautiful couple Beth and Lou would make, Constance thought as she kissed Hyacinth and Beth goodbye. Serves H right.
It was time to change for dinner when they arrived back at their hotel. H was still feeling uneasy, yet there was nothing she could pinpoint. Maybe she should never have left Beth. What if she had gone to bed with Lou? Given the chance, she would. She turned the full force of her charm on Beth.
‘Darling, I forgot to mention, I’ve booked tickets for The Vagina Monologues.’
‘Trust you to pick a play that has something to do with your work.’
They had two of the best seats in the house. When the show finished H was keen to get back to their hotel. Beth, shattered after her mind-blowing experience with Lou, knew what H had planned. She wanted to avoid any physical contact. All her sex dreams of H had been blown into oblivion after her sexual awakening with Lou.
‘Mrs. Dickinson!’ a receptionist called as they were about to step into the lift. ‘I have an urgent message for you.’ She handed Hyacinth an envelope.
‘Thank you, darling.’ H tore open the envelope, scanned the message and pushed it into her handbag.
‘Oh, it’s nothing, darling. Just a friend wanting some advice.’
‘But the receptionist said it was urgent.’
‘My friend probably wanted to make sure I got her message. Now don’t you worry your pretty head about it. We’re not going to let anything spoil our special night, are we darling?’ Beth didn’t answer. H took her silence as agreement.
They stepped out of the lift and H opened the door into their suite, ‘I’ll just make a quick phone call, darling. Why don’t you go and have a nice soak in the tub.‘ She flipped open her mobile phone. ‘Use some of the new bubble bath I bought for us today. You’ll find it on the shelf. Run along now, darling, and I’ll join you shortly.’ She dismissed Beth with a wave of her hand.
Beth wanted to know who H was talking to, so kept her ear to the door. She could only hear snippets of conversation, the rise and fall of H’s voice. Twice she heard her shout, ‘Now you listen to me. She’s not ready yet. She won’t be for a long time.’
H’s voice droned on, and then there was a long silence. Sure she must have finished the call, Beth was just about to jump into the bath when H yelled, ‘How many times do I have to tell you? Penny, I hate to admit it, but I may have been wrong. Yes, there is a first time for everything.’ H faked a laugh. ‘Remind Serena that patience is a virtue. And you would do well to remember that yourself. I will be paying you a visit soon to remind you personally.’
As H finished her conversation Beth turned off the taps. Despite running the water slowly the bath was full. She undressed and stepped into the tub expecting H to walk in. She didn’t.
She was busy searching Beth’s handbag for Lou’s contact details. She was taking no chances.
H’s seduction of Beth was slow and purposeful. Sitting on the side of the bath she started to soap Beth’s body, hardly believing the surge of excitement the contact generated.
‘You must tell me what you enjoy, darling.’ H urged.
‘Hyacinth, I don’t . . . ‘ Beth faltered. ‘I don’t know about . . .’
‘I know. I know. You’re not sure about making love with another woman.’ H’s hand moved lower, playing with Beth’s pubic curls. ‘I’m so glad you don’t shave darling.’
Beth wanted to vomit.
‘Don’t worry my precious. I am an excellent teacher. I can take you to heights you never imagined.’
No, you can’t. I’ve already been there. Beth grabbed H’s hands. ‘I can’t do this. I‘m sorry.’
‘It’s only nerves, my little lesbian virgin. Close your eyes — let me lead the way.’ H cooed, her hands breaking free to fondle Beth’s already sore clitoris.
Beth winced. ‘You’re not listening.’
H put Beth’s little outburst down to shyness. Certain she was doing the right thing she climbed into the bath behind her, sinking gracefully into the warm scented water. Immediately she started to push her pelvis into Beth’s lower back. No re-action. What was wrong with the girl? She wasn’t responding at all. And what was worse, she couldn’t get into her mind. Beth seemed to be blocking all access. Physical and telepathic.
Beth almost screamed in frustration. This wasn’t right. She wanted this over with. But realized that there was only one way out, and that was via orgasm. Her orgasm.
‘There’s no need to be shy with me, Beth.’ H encouraged. ‘Pretend I’m your gynaecologist giving you an examination.’ Her attempted joke fell flat.
Deciding actions spoke louder than words she thrust her pelvis into Beth even harder, moving rhythmically against her. ‘Beth. Move with me. I’m getting off on this.’
Beth realized that was her way out. Pretending to be enjoying their lovemaking now, she tilted her head back allowing H to kiss her neck.
That was all H needed. Both of her hands went underwater to work on Beth’s orgasm.
‘It’s okay for you to touch me.’ H invited. ‘Put your hands behind your back. You’ll be able to reach me.’
Beth ignored the invitation.
It didn’t matter. H was hot, totally turned on. ‘We can . . . climax together . . . darling.’ H gasped. Her orgasm starting to build. ‘Together Beth . . . NOW!’ H thrust hard arching her back almost lifting Beth out of the water. ‘Oooohhh . . .’
Beth’s body rested rag-doll like in Hyacinth’s arms, but H failed to notice. She was too involved in her own orgasm.
‘What did I tell you, darling — wonderful, wasn’t it?’ she gushed while drying herself.
Beth didn’t reply. She lay corpselike in the near cold water, her eyes tight shut, wishing she was a thousand miles away.
‘I know how awkward first times can be, darling.’ H pulled on one of the hotel’s thick white robes. ‘Next time will be better. I promise.’ She ignored Beth’s lack of enthusiasm.
It hadn’t been awkward with Lou. Everything had been perfect.
‘Hurry up. Come to bed. If you’re a good girl, we can do it again.’ H said confidently.

I’d rather stick pins in my eyes.

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