Thursday, 24 August 2017

Beautiful Strangers: Chapters Twenty to Twenty-Two


Beth couldn’t get Lou out of her mind. Like a seed, once planted her feelings started to grow as thoughts of Lou dominated her. She knew they had made a tremendous connection, not just on a physical level but also a spiritual one too. She needed to know how Lou felt. But was she being silly? Unsophisticated? She didn’t think so. As soon as she arrived home she looked in her bag for Lou’s number. It wasn’t there.
Frantically she tipped everything out, scattering the entire contents over the living room floor. She knew exactly where she had put it. Sickened, it dawned on her that H must have searched her bag and destroyed it.
‘How dare she?’ Beth shouted into her handbag as she pulled it inside out tearing the lining. ‘The bitch. The fucking bitch. Just wait till I see her!’ Fury flooded Beth. ‘Now I’ll have to wait for Lou to contact me.’ She flung her handbag onto the floor.
Marching over to her drinks cabinet, she splashed whisky into a crystal tumbler. Snatching up the glass she went to stare into the large mirror above the fireplace. Her anger was so great that she could see nothing but blackness. And Hyacinth’s face. In her head she could hear Hyacinth’s voice. ‘I will make you want only me.’
Beth spun round, violently shaking her head, spilling the whisky on the carpet. Her room was as it should be. She turned back. The mirror now reflected her, and her surroundings. She was suddenly deathly tired and took sanctuary in her bed. She stayed there all day, only getting up to visit the bathroom. She felt ill. On Tuesday she rang into work pleading sickness, then unplugged the phone and switched off her mobile. She needed isolation, to be able to go within herself and look for answers.
On Wednesday morning Beth was working alongside George Dickinson.
‘Feeling better today, Beth?’ George enquired pleasantly while they prepared to scrub up.
‘Yes. Thank you for asking. It was nothing really, but I could not risk coming into work.’
‘Understood.’ George moved the taps into the on position with his elbows and began to scrub under the running water. ‘How did you enjoy your weekend away with my wife?’
Suddenly there was a silence. Everyone’s ears pricked, waiting for Beth’s answer.
Beth smiled thinly, ‘We had a pleasant enough time.’
She dried her hands, tossed the towel into the bin, then held her hands up for the nurse to help with her surgical gloves.
All the while George whistled tunelessly. Then he stopped, glanced over his shoulder, his hands still under the running water, and said, ‘I haven’t seen her since she got back. She went straight to Carlisle. Has she been in touch with you?’
Beth pretended not to hear. She walked off pushing the operating theatre doors open with her hip.

Hyacinth showed the last patient out of her Carlisle office. It had been almost three weeks since she had seen Beth. She had struggled with her decision not to make contact, but Constance had proved an obliging diversion and if Penny didn’t heed her warning, Constance would take over from her as a willing Number One.
She felt slightly guilty at the beating she had given Penny, but she’d ensured that there wasn’t a bruise visible. And Penny had needed to be taught a lesson; no-one, but no-one, questioned Hyacinth’s authority.
Her severe chastisement of Penny was a direct result of the pressure The Syndicate was putting her under, and nothing to do with sharing Beth. If she allowed herself to dwell on the situation, she would fold. For the first time in her life she was frightened, and it took a lot to frighten Hyacinth. The Syndicate took no prisoners, and she was faced with a life or death situation. She had to make a decision, and stand by it.
On her return from London she’d gone straight to Carlisle only stopping by her Jesmond home long enough to collect some clothes.
Daphne had brought her up to date with events at the unit. They were winding up their conversation when the reception buzzer sounded. It was late and the other staff had long since left, so Daphne went to attend to the unexpected caller.
It was a warm summer night. Carlisle was basking in unusually high temperatures. H reached into the little fridge she kept in her office, lifted out a handful of ice cubes, tossed them into a tall glass then mixed herself a large gin and tonic. She was putting the bottle of gin back into the fridge when Daphne returned.
Closing the door behind her Daphne said, ‘There’s a woman to see you H. She won’t give her name. Said it was personal. But it’s late. Shall I show her in, or send her away? She said it’s urgent.’
‘It always is.’
‘This woman doesn’t look like she needs our help. She’s not pregnant.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘I asked her. She’s extremely smart. Designer. And she’s French,’ Daphne hesitated, ‘or possibly Italian. She has that look, you know, that Italian style thing.’
‘Interesting. You’d better show her in.’
‘Do you want me to wait?’
‘No. It’ll be something, and nothing. Probably some do-gooder after a donation. You get yourself off.’
H put her glass out of sight behind a vase of pink carnations as Daphne ushered the visitor into the room.
Stepping forward to greet an absolute stunner dressed in a superbly cut pinstriped business suit, with hair so black it reflected a blue sheen, H held out her hand in greeting. ‘Hyacinth Dickinson. How can I help you?’
‘May I sit?’ her voice was warm, seductive.
‘Yes. Of course.’ H inclined her head towards two big black leather chairs. ‘Please make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you a drink? Coffee? Perhaps something stronger?’
‘I’ll have what you’re having.’ She said pleasantly. She sat down, and relaxed confidently into the chair.
H went to the coffee pot that was always at the ready and poured two cups of espresso. Then carried them carefully across to the low marble table and set them down. This is no ordinary visitor. Stay calm, stay calm, she told herself, ‘Now. What can I do for you?’
‘You can stop your little game.’
‘My little game? Who are you?ΚΌ H demanded.
‘My name is not important.’ The visitor paused to sip her coffee, raising the cup slowly to her lips, her eyes never leaving H’s face. ‘My message, on the other hand, is of vital importance to you.’
H lifted herself out of the chair. ‘I don’t think I have any business with you. Close the door on your way out.’
‘I have brought you a message from the top.’ The visitor stayed put.
Standing tall, H pointed to the door, ‘Get out. I detest time-wasters.’
‘Listen very carefully Mrs. Dickinson — or should I call you H? You are causing Don Roberto much concern with your diamond business.’ The Italian woman crossed her legs. She wasn’t going anywhere.
H sat down, her mouth dry. The woman had gained her full attention.
‘That’s better. Well, Mrs. Dickinson, it seems you are to be congratulated on your professional, and successful, diamond enterprise. But your web has spread a little too far.’ She drummed her long slender fingers lightly on the arm of the leather chair. ‘The Don wishes to take control of the business for you.’
‘And if I don’t wish to amalgamate?’
‘Amalgamate? No. You misunderstand. There will be no amalgamation.’ She paused, drained her cup, and continued. ‘The Syndicate will absorb your operation, giving you time to spend with your women. It seems your coven number one is getting above herself. The Don suggests you take time to sort her out. Let me give you a friendly warning Hyacinth,’ she leant forward and spoke softly, ‘keep your precious girls safe. From where I’m sitting you would be wise to accept his offer.’
‘And if I don’t?’ H lit a cigarette, and took a long pull.
‘You have two choices. Accept the offer . . . or close down your operation.’ Her words hung in the air.
‘What if I have no wish to do either?’ H asked quietly.
‘That is a question that you would not want to know the answer to.’
H felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She wanted to slap this self-assured woman senseless, to grab her by the shoulders and shake her, to break every bone in her body. Instead she took a deep breath, ‘I need to think about it.’ She stubbed out her cigarette.
‘You have some time to consider your options. As I said, Don Roberto is a generous man, and would not expect an immediate reply.’ She got up to leave, offering her hand to Hyacinth.
H’s hands stayed firmly by her side.
She watched her visitor walk towards the door. She paused to look back over her shoulder at Hyacinth. ‘I’ll be in touch.’
Then she was gone leaving the scent of Valentino lingering in the air.
Retrieving her gin and tonic from behind the carnations, H stared into it. Where the hell do I go from here? She almost drained the glass, and then lit a cigarette. She needed to think. One thing was certain; no-one must know the true identity of her caller. As far as Daphne was concerned she would tell her the visitor was a representative from a charity.

Three weeks had gone by and The Syndicate had not been back in touch with her. She found that unnerving. Was it a good sign, or a bad one? Either way she had made her decision. And it was totally her decision. This was not something she could discuss with anyone. Unwittingly, she had taken her women into a dangerous situation. There was only one way out, and that was to close down the operation. Luckily the girls would not miss the money. All she had to do was wait for Miss Italy to make contact. After that she could go about making a new life for herself. A life that included Beth.
H stared moodily out of the window absently chewing the end of a pen. The day had been slow. Perhaps the number of unmarried mothers was on the decline. If the staff attended to any casual callers, she had time to ring her girls before she left to drive home to Jesmond. After all, she had promised Beth a get-together with her special friends and what better time than this with George going away for the entire weekend. It didn’t matter that she had not seen him or been home for weeks. She had needed to maintain a low profile, but suddenly the urge to do something different took her over.
She would hold a swim party with some interesting games and the girls could stay over. She would invite Beth. It was time to break the silence.
She started summoning the members of her inner coven, insisting she wanted everyone present by eight on Friday evening with the usual regalia ready for the full moon at midnight. The choice of partner was theirs. She loved the full moon rituals, the sharing, giving and receiving, the wild, abandoned sex that followed. Finally, her blood racing, she rang Beth to extend her personal invitation. Furious to hear the busy signal she crashed the telephone down into its cradle.
There was a timid knock on her office door. H cursed under her breath. She would have to try Beth’s number again later. She rapidly composed herself, smiling as her senior nurse entered the room.
Beth hurried to answer her phone.
‘Remember me?’ a haunting voice asked.
‘Of course I remember you! How could I forget?’ Beth whimpered embarrassingly, so excited she nearly wet her knickers. Thank you, God. She could feel happiness shining in her eyes, as the past three weeks silence faded away. ‘Where are you?’
‘I’m in Yorkshire. I wondered if you would like to meet up somewhere for a romantic night or two?’
‘When and where?’ Beth’s hand covered her mouth as her conscience questioned the speed of her answer.
‘I know a quiet country hotel, discreet with five-star service. It’s about half way between us.’
Lou gave directions; Beth wrote them in her diary. Two pm Friday. Yes, yes, yes! She dropped her pen on the table then turned the radio up to full volume and danced around the room.
The phone rang again. Beth ran across the living room and grabbed the receiver only to be stopped in her tracks.
‘Hello, darling. Have you been avoiding me?’ H said.
Beth’s excitement waned.
‘We need to catch up, darling. I’m having a swim party this weekend. Of course you’ll know George’s going to be away at a conference. I was just saying to the girls — a couple of them are here now enjoying the pool with me — that it seems a perfect opportunity for us all to get together. What do you say? Be here for six on Friday evening?’
Thinking on her feet Beth lied, gushing, ‘Oh H. Thank you so much for the invite. How very kind of you. I’m so sorry, but I can’t make it. You know that I’d love to, but I need to go home. There’s some family business I have to attend to that simply can’t wait.’
H was gutted, ‘Well never mind, darling. There’ll be other times. Oh, and by the way. I’ve decided to decline the position at St. Gregory’s. Too much to do at the clinic, I’m afraid. Call me. Bye darling.’
Beth was surprised by H’s calm acceptance of her refusal, but delighted - and relieved - at her news about not coming to work at the hospital.
The telephone rang for the third time. It was her mother, Isabel, with exciting news. Beth was an aunty. Catherine’s daughter had been born so quickly, she’d almost caught them out. Beth promised to visit after the weekend then ordered a huge bouquet of pink roses, complete with teddy bears, to be delivered immediately.
Friday morning, and Beth woke up excited at the prospect of her impending rendezvous. She did the usual thing: showered, washed her hair, not forgetting to shave her legs. She didn’t want Lou to think she was growing sheepskins. Wearing her sexiest lace underwear, musk body spray, a dab of Chanel No.5 behind the ears, she was ready to go.
She was first to arrive at the hotel. Lou had booked them in under her name and Beth was enchanted to be shown into a first floor suite with far reaching views across the grounds. Apparently, over a century ago, the hotel had been a family home. Now it was a five-star hotel, with a homely atmosphere that hit the perfect tone in ultimate luxury. There was a private cinema, a superb restaurant, and an indoor pool with an inviting Jacuzzi. While waiting for Lou, Beth investigated the ground floor settling in the drawing room. She ordered coffee. Generations of family portraits on the walls and the huge fireplace reminded her of Davinia’s home. Restless, she wandered over to the long windows overlooking the expansive gardens and curving drive, her churning stomach lurched when she saw Lou’s car coming up the drive.


After checking into the hotel Lou went in search of Beth. As she walked along the inner hallway, Beth stepped out from the drawing room to meet her. They hugged, then headed up to the suite to say a proper hello to each other. There was no need to rush today. There was time to talk, to get to know each other so they decided to explore the hotel’s extensive grounds.
They walked through the trees and gardens for a while, both savouring the joy of just being together, and then they discovered a small lake. Down by the water it was quiet and peaceful, the silence broken only by the sound of birds singing, and geese coming in to land on the water. Wandering along the shoreline, enjoying the sunshine and their personal solitude, they stopped to drink from Lou’s pocket flask.
Inevitably Lou’s conversation turned to Hyacinth. She wanted to know all about her. Beth was honest in her answers. After all H, had awakened something in her that she had been denying.
Lou was silent. She felt far too much for this vivacious creature. Overpowering chemistry charged between them and wasn’t this just the worst time for Lou to meet the woman of her dreams. The American offer was almost in the bag, too good to refuse. She might have to leave for LA any day now to secure the deal. She didn’t want to go, yet she would be mad not to. Offers like this only came along once in a lifetime, if ever. Maybe she would be able to get Beth out of her system after this weekend. It could fizzle out naturally. It had happened before, in fact, it usually did. Perhaps Beth was just experimenting like lots of women do. On the other hand, if she were feeling the same, would Beth wait for her? Lou leaned back against a warm rock.
‘What about you?’ Beth wanted to know, ‘Is there someone in your life?’
‘Mmmm . . . yes and no.’
‘What sort of answer is that?
‘Well, there is someone I’ve been involved with for about a year. It’s always been very on and off, more like a friendship really. Nothing heavy, and in truth, more off than on. Definitely off now I’ve met you.’ Lou didn’t mention LA.
Beth wanted to throw herself into Lou’s arms, but then she got a grip. Her head was like scrambled eggs. What if Lou changed her mind, met someone else on her travels? Beth knew that Lou’s work took her all over the world, and that distance and lifestyle could come between them.
As they walked back to the hotel they stumbled upon an ancient stone formation, many of the stones resembled phallic symbols. Laughing, they reckoned it probably had something to do with fertility rites. Drawn in by the magical atmosphere they sat for a while in the centre of the stone circle. Lou covered Beth’s palms with kisses and Beth had a vision of Universal Studios whiz through her mind. Was Lou going to America? Both lost in their own thoughts they returned to the hotel.
Once inside their mood lightened. The health spa beckoned. It was deserted. They had the Jacuzzi to themselves. Lou, sitting opposite Beth, started to play footsie with her while bobbing about in the water. Beth giggled as she felt Lou’s toes walking up the inside of her leg. She yearned for Lou’s intimate touch, relishing the tangible excitement building between them. She could see little beads of perspiration on Lou’s brow when she moved to sit next to her.
Lou’s fingers trailed over Beth’s forehead, then traced the line of her aristocratic cheekbones. She ran a finger over the fullness of Beth’s lips before slipping it into Beth’s mouth. Then she began to lovingly caress Beth’s voluptuous breasts, her arousal deepening further.
Beth found the gentleness extremely erotic. Moaning loudly, she gasped for air as she waited impatiently for Lou’s tender lips to reach hers.
As Lou whispered sweet nothings, Beth was transported to paradise. They thoroughly explored each other’s bodies, testing reactions, tantalizing each other, until Beth daringly took the initiative and slipped her hand inside Lou’s bikini briefs. She was overjoyed at the slippery wetness that greeted her probing fingers. Lou responded by spreading her legs as Beth’s thumb rubbed gently against her protruding clitoris. Suddenly Lou drew her thighs together, clasping Beth’s hand tight between them. Lou’s body went rigid then jolted as her orgasm made her writhe in the water, climax peaking. A vocal lover, the sound of her pleasure echoed around the room.
Beth was so turned on her own orgasm thundered the second Lou touched her. Her heart pounded as she lay back in the swirling water.
They sauntered back to the suite, collapsing onto the bed to sleep in each other’s arms. Later they awoke hungry and ordered a mountain of food from room service, along with champagne. More bubbles, they both giggled.
By the time they’d eaten their way through to the cheese and biscuits they were well and truly stuffed. Talk turned to Hyacinth again.
‘Do you spend much time with Hyacinth?’ Lou said.
‘No. None at all. I haven’t seen her since we got back from London.’
‘I didn’t want to see her. I would be happy never to set eyes on her again.’
‘Because of me?’
‘Yes. Because of you.’
‘How have you managed to avoid her?’
‘It wasn’t too difficult. She’s been in Carlisle ever since we got back, and it’s easy to screen my phone calls.’
‘So there’s no deep involvement then?’
‘There isn’t an involvement at all, Lou. It was funny though. Immediately after you called, she did. I thought it was you ringing me back so answered without checking the caller number. She invited me to a swim party at her Jesmond home this weekend. Said she wanted me to meet her special friends. I can’t remember all of their names. Alison, was one of them.’
‘You told her we were meeting up?’
‘No. I didn’t. Don’t ask me why not because I can’t give you a sensible answer. It seemed wiser to tell a little white lie so I said I had some family business to attend to. She couldn’t argue with that.’
Lou knew she could have a serious rival in Hyacinth, but Beth was with her now. She intended to keep it that way. To hell with LA. Not trusting herself to speak, needing to create a diversion, she flicked the remote control, and the television sprang into life with the news.
They were feeding each other grapes when Beth picked up on the presenter’s story of a missing woman. Police were concerned about the whereabouts of Serena Gardener-Shaw.
‘Lou? Did he say Serena Gardener-Shaw?’
‘Wasn’t paying much attention, my love. Why?’
‘I’m sure she was going to Hyacinth’s swim party. You know the one I’ve just been telling you about.’
‘Oh really . . . do you know her?’
‘To be honest, I can’t remember if I’ve met her or not. She may have been at their charity thing, I don’t know for sure. I met so many people that day.’
‘Well, let’s hope she turns up safe and sound, eh?’
Serena forgotten, they lay back on the bed asking each other thousands of questions, wanting to know everything at once. Beth discovered Lou loved horses and kept two Eventers at home, cared for by a live-in groom. Beth asked if Lou knew the MacFarlines and mentioned her invitation to be their guest, to ride out with Felicity. ‘Come with me. Her mother, Davinia, said to bring a friend. I would love it, if you could.’
‘Felicity MacFarline. Yes. I’ve heard of her. I might even have met her once or twice. Quite a beauty, if she’s the one I’m thinking of.’ Lou said in more of a statement than a question. ‘You bet I’ll come with you. It’ll be fun. I can’t wait to see you in tight jodhpurs. In fact, I’ll look forward to it.’
Beth blushed. Rolling onto her stomach she said, ‘That’s wonderful. Guess what I saw when I went to Davinia’s birthday party.’
Lou looked puzzled. ‘What?’
With great clarity Beth recalled Davinia’s bedroom incident, making Lou laugh so hard, Beth thought she’d need hospital treatment.


Later, in the hotel bar, already slightly tipsy, Beth could only manage an orange juice. They were nearly falling asleep when Lou’s curiosity was kindled. Sitting to attention, she nudged Beth, indicating to the far side of the room.
‘You know, I think that’s Penelope Corday over there. Lady Corday to be precise. Look, near to the door. She’s sitting with another woman, short blonde hair, red suit.’
Beth’s stomach lurched. She’d heard that name before in London when H was shouting on the phone. ‘I don’t know her, Lou, but I think H does.’
For once the mention of Hyacinth’s name went over Lou’s head. Her attention was concentrated on Penny Corday. ‘I always thought she was gay, but never had it confirmed.’
‘Confirmed? She’s married to Lord Corday, isn’t she? Plus the fact they’re quite a social pair, always in the news for something or other. Fund raising and stuff, you know what I mean.’
‘Fund raising? Marriage? Sounds familiar, don’t you think? It doesn’t stop Hyacinth, does it?’ she said fiercely.
Beth thought for a moment before answering. ‘Yes . . . you have a point there.’
Like super sleuths they covertly watched Lady Corday’s body language and eye contact with her friend. Both attractive women, almost mirror images of each other. Penny Corday’s burgundy shirt, smart black trousers and black leather belt suited her gamine figure perfectly. Her friend was similarly styled in red.
They sat close together, bodies touching. Seemingly deep in conversation, occasionally their faces so close they could have been kissing. There was a lot of touching.
‘We could go over and talk to them.’ Lou suggested.
‘How? We don’t even know them.’
‘Do we not?’ Lou laughed. ‘Watch, listen, and go along with me. Okay?’
‘You’re crazy!’
Lou interrupted their conversation, greeting Lady Corday exuberantly, ‘Liz, hello! How lovely to see you again! How are you?’
Lady Corday looked up. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said sharply. ‘You are mistaken. My name is Penelope, not Liz.’
Lou dazzled her with a thousand-watt smile, graciously apologizing, ‘Oh dear, I’m so sorry. I do this all the time. I meet so many people.’
Simultaneously both women recognized Lou.
‘Penny Corday, delighted to meet you.’ She thrust her well-manicured hand into Lou’s, ‘I’ve seen you on television many times.’ Not giving Lou time to reply she continued, ‘And you must be Beth.’
Funny, how could she know my name? Beth wondered. Lou hasn’t mentioned it.
Beth wasn’t given time to answer as Lady Victoria Ashton indicated to the empty chairs. ‘Please, join us.’
Lou winked at Beth as they sat down. Conversation was lively. Penny’s tongue, loosened by countless glasses of sherry, told them, in confidence, she only married because it was expected of her and she’d been unable to rebel against it. She happily stands by her man in public, while in private she prefers female company.
Later when Beth climbed into bed next to Lou, snuggling up, revelling in the feel of Lou’s naked body next to hers, the silkiness of her skin, she began to fully appreciate why Penny preferred female company. This was pure bliss.
Saturday dawned sunny and warm. After a leisurely breakfast in their room Beth challenged Lou to a game of golf. A seasoned player, Beth wanted to show off a bit.
Lou was game for a laugh. After a short lesson from Beth on how to handle the club, they walked to the first tee. Every time Lou swung the club, she either missed the ball or hit it out of bounds. Occasionally loud grumbles could be heard from other golfers, but determined to finish the course they played on regardless. Finally, at the last tee, Lou shaded her eyes and looked at the flag on the distant green.
‘Is that the hole over there?’ Lou pointed to the yellow flag.
‘Yes. If you can, aim straight down the fairway. And do remember to keep your head down when you hit the ball.’
‘Yes, ma’am!’ She saluted.
Lou placed her ball on the tee, took up her stance and swung the club. The ping echoed as the ball sailed through the air and down the fairway. It landed on the green, bounced twice, then rolled into the hole.
‘Like that, Beth?’ Lou smirked.
‘You can play!’
‘I’m afraid so.’
‘Well, why on earth have you had me showing you what to do? You couldn’t hit the ball when we started out!’
‘No, I couldn’t, could I?’ Lou chuckled, ‘I was a bit rusty at first. It’s been ages since I’ve played. And you were doing such a good job, as a teacher. Having you wrapped around me showing me how to hold the club, well, I ask you?’
‘Honestly Lou. I feel such a prat!’ Beth laughed picking up her clubs ready to head back. Hungry, they returned to the hotel for a meal. While the waiters were settling them at their table, Lou dropped her napkin, ‘Beth, be a love. Pick up my napkin.’
As Beth bent down, Lou opened her legs. ‘Take a look.' She was naked under her skirt. Flustered, Beth bumped her head off the table giggling as Lou promised, ‘Yours — for later.’
After the meal they wandered into the lounge bar. Penny and Victoria were there again doing justice to a bottle of red. Penny waved them over.
Beth was reluctant, but Lou was already walking towards them. Beth was suspicious of Penny Corday. How come she’d known her name, and what was her connection to H?
Talk was mostly about golf and Lou’s hole in one, yet Beth sensed all was not well with Lady Corday. She was edgy, knocking back wine like there was no tomorrow, immediately ordering more.
While Lou and Victoria visited the ladies room, Beth took the opportunity to enquire, ‘Is something wrong, Penny?’
Penny looked shifty, ‘Nothing. I’m fine, Beth, thanks.’
‘If you want to talk we could meet up in the drawing room tomorrow morning. Have a coffee?’
Beth thought this would give her the ideal opportunity to find out if Penny did have a connection to H. Penny didn’t acknowledge Beth’s invitation, but as the women wished each other goodnight she slipped Beth a note: ten am was scrawled in black eye pencil.
Beth decided not to mention anything to Lou. She didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. Lou, glad they were alone, said, ‘I have a surprise upstairs for you.’
‘I love surprises.’
‘How about a soak in our Jacuzzi first?’ Lou’s arms wrapped round Beth’s waist.
‘Sounds good. Lead the way.’
The second they closed the bedroom door Beth stripped and was first in the tub hitting the button to turn on the bubbles. Lying back she watched Lou take off her clothes taking in every curve of her beautiful body.
About to step into the tub, Lou slipped and knocked a bottle of bubble bath into the water. Bubbles exploded everywhere overtaking the bathroom as Beth tried to find the off button. Laughing together they flicked bubbles at each other.
‘I can’t believe we are here, doing this.’ Beth said. ‘How long can it last?’
‘As long as we want it to last, my lovely. As long as we want.’ Lou bent forward and kissed her.
Afterwards, Lou led the way to the bed. Settling Beth on top of the duvet she reached for a bottle of massage oil. Taking charge, she rolled Beth onto her stomach. Drizzling oil down Beth’s spine, she started to massage. Kissing the nape of her neck Lou moved to sit astride Beth’s buttocks.
Beth loved it, experiencing waves of pure ecstasy as Lou maintained her continuous stroking, while pushing her pelvis into Beth‘s buttocks.
Just as Beth felt she could sink through the mattress Lou turned her over, massaging from her shoulders down to her breasts. Kneading lovingly, caressing her nipples, all the while sitting astride her, Lou ground into Beth’s pubic bone, exerting just the right amount of pressure, moving back and forth until both were eaten up with lust as they exploded with pleasure.
Later while Lou was sleeping, Beth lay gazing into space, dreading the thought of returning to reality the next day. All too aware she was falling in love with this woman. Sleep evaded her. As day dawned, she dozed, only to be awoken by Lou’s kisses.

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